18 Reasons to Invest In A Professional Logo Design Instead Of Treating It As An Expense


Some things in life are worth the money, especially when you know they are going to generate a good return. That’s why you invest in your own business.

Using an unprofessional or poorly designed logo for your business is simply suicidal. It’s like going to a business meeting with mustard or ketchup on your shirt. You should respect yourself and your customers with a professional look.

Furthermore, any marketing gurus or business consultants would agree that a professionally crafted logo design is crucial for the effectiveness of your marketing strategies. Therefore, we have summarized a list of 18 reasons for why you should make a significant investment in your logo:

[vc_row] [vc_column] [vc_tta_accordion collapsible_all=”true” active_section=”0″] [vc_tta_section title=”1. It’s the face of your business” tab_id=”1521222508482-818efb01-2a041″] [vc_column_text]

You might think you are the one making the first impressions, but actually, you are not. Your logo does that. Nowadays, people don’t spend time talking to people and getting to know each other.

They look at your profile online and see if they are convinced. If they are convinced, they call you and ask you for a quote.

Then where do you come in? It’s usually very late in the sales cycle. You don’t have a chance to say anything until they finish looking up 10 – 15 of your competitors on Google!

[/vc_column_text] [/vc_tta_section] [vc_tta_section title=”2. It gains trust” tab_id=”1521222508482-818efb01-2a042″] [vc_column_text]

You need a logo, which means you are either starting out, or trying to move your company to another market position, for example, going after the higher-end market, or providing more services.

Either way, you are new in the game. There are older and more reputable competitors in your industry.

Then why should people give you a chance? They don’t even know you.

You say it’s because you put in more effort than the other guys? Who knows that? Of course, you say you can provide the best service at the best price, but everyone says that.

So why should people bother to bet on you instead of calling the other guys up?

Probably because one of your ads showed up but people see so many ads a day. And how do we interpret things that we see with our eyes? Visual cues because we don’t have time to read every single line of text.

That’s why people determine whether to trust you is through your logo, and then once they are impressed, they continue reading your offer, which is why that tiny icon we call logo is so essential.

[/vc_column_text] [/vc_tta_section] [vc_tta_section title=”3. It’s to be relatable” tab_id=”1521222508482-818efb01-2a043″] [vc_column_text]

When you see a something strong, at best, you will be curious about it. Will you trust it? No. Same goes for your logo. If it’s relatable to your target audience. It builds that trust quicker.

[/vc_column_text] [/vc_tta_section] [vc_tta_section title=”4. It’s about building the expectations” tab_id=”1521222508482-818efb01-2a044″] [vc_column_text]

Look at these two logos, same industry. Which one will you go with? Well, even though the guys in the left logo have more experience and knowledge. Who cares? You have already convinced yourself the guys on the right are worth your time more.

Professional Logo Design

[/vc_column_text] [/vc_tta_section] [vc_tta_section title=”5. It’s to de-commoditize you” tab_id=”1521222508482-818efb01-2a045″] [vc_column_text]

Price war. Heard of it? Let’s say you are a plumber. Would you want to keep undercutting your competitor next door until both of you were just doing charity work? No, right? If that’s the case, use your logo to explain your niche.

What’s your competitive advantage? Show it. Why Apple and Samsung have never been in a price war? Why is the iPhone X is the most expensive phone in the world even though the market is so much more saturated? It’s about your presentation of your niche. Your logo is the first step showcasing your unique selling proposition.


[/vc_column_text] [/vc_tta_section] [vc_tta_section title=”6. It connects” tab_id=”1521222508482-818efb01-2a046″] [vc_column_text]

If you are designing your logo with your competitive advantage and your target market in mind, your logo is going to click with the potential customers who see it. Once it’s clicked, the recognition is here, and then the trust can be nurtured so much quicker.

[/vc_column_text] [/vc_tta_section] [vc_tta_section title=”7. It lifts you out from the crowd” tab_id=”1521222508482-818efb01-2a047″] [vc_column_text]

If your company does have something unique, and then your logo is designed around it. You will automatically stand out in the market, no matter how crowded it is because you are saying the right things to the right people in the right way.


[/vc_column_text] [/vc_tta_section] [vc_tta_section title=”8. It talks for you” tab_id=”1521222508482-818efb01-2a048″] [vc_column_text]

As I mentioned, and I hope you agree, you are not the face of your company. Your logo is because you cannot be in all the marketing materials at all times. Your logo communicates your company information in the form of images, colors, lines, and fonts, everything should be designed for conveying the right business message.

[/vc_column_text] [/vc_tta_section] [vc_tta_section title=”9. You use it for all marketing materials” tab_id=”1521222508482-818efb01-2a049″] [vc_column_text]

This is pretty basic. Your logo will be used in every marketing item, such as banners, brochures, commercial advertisements, business cards, websites and mobile application. If your logo sucks, all your marketing materials suck. That’s the downside of the first impression.


[/vc_column_text] [/vc_tta_section] [vc_tta_section title=”10. It shows your commitment” tab_id=”1521222508482-818efb01-2a0410″] [vc_column_text]

A professional logo design shows your commitment to accomplish your company’s mission and work on its vision. Again, if a person shows up in your job interview with a very lousy outfit, unprepared and he tells you he’s ready to commit to your company and be productive. Do you trust him? That’s why your logo should be designed to commit to your customers.

[/vc_column_text] [/vc_tta_section] [vc_tta_section title=”11. It’s the foundation of your brand” tab_id=”1521222508482-818efb01-2a0411″] [vc_column_text]

A logo is one of the essential branding elements that make and boosts your brand because a brand is about the customer experience.

It’s about saying the right things at the right time in the right way. Your logo determines what things you will be saying and how you are saying it.

Remember, when people see your ads, you don’t get to give them an elevator pitch. You can only create an ad and let them interpret it. It’s your job to make sure they grab the message that you want them to understand and remember.

[/vc_column_text] [/vc_tta_section] [vc_tta_section title=”12. It stays with you for a long time” tab_id=”1521222508482-818efb01-2a0412″] [vc_column_text]

You won’t be changing your logo very often because changing a logo is like changing your identity. Changing identity means you have to waste effort to re-educate your customers and your target audience. It’s hitting the reset button for all your company’s awareness, so why not just invest in a logo that’s going to stick around?

[/vc_column_text] [/vc_tta_section] [vc_tta_section title=”13. Logo Grows With Your Business” tab_id=”1521222508482-818efb01-2a0413″] [vc_column_text]

Adding on to the above point, your logo is your face. It doesn’t change. It only grows older and wiser, so you might want a handsome face to start off with if you are using visual materials to make your first impression.


[/vc_column_text] [/vc_tta_section] [vc_tta_section title=”14. It’s your first win” tab_id=”1521222508482-818efb01-2a0414″] [vc_column_text]

In most cases, your competitors don’t care about their visual identity that much. So if you can be the one to attract attention, then people will come to you instead. Haha, I guess that’s why you still see space in the market for your growth. Hence as long as you invest in attracting more attention, you win.

[/vc_column_text] [/vc_tta_section] [vc_tta_section title=”15. It’s about building the loyalty” tab_id=”1521222508482-818efb01-2a0415″] [vc_column_text]

Every industry is a 24/7 battlefield. The market size is pretty much constant for a very long time, so if you want to grow, you have to capture other companies’ clients. In order words, other companies will come for your clients too. The main way to defend your clientele, customer service.

However, it’s expensive to care for all your customers all the time; you will want them to convince themselves to stick around. That’s loyalty.

It’s difficult to maintain it if your competitors are always cooler than you (they are not married to you). By the time, you want to be cool? Too bad, you are stuck with a lousy logo that you paid couple hundreds for some Indian dude to design.

Remember, your logo goes on all marketing materials. If you put wrap a Lamborghini with some lame stickers, you just ruin the car. It doesn’t help making your stickers look cooler.

[/vc_column_text] [/vc_tta_section] [vc_tta_section title=”16. It makes selling new things easier” tab_id=”1521222508482-818efb01-2a0416″] [vc_column_text]

When a recognizable company introduces a new product, its established market presence makes the new product’s penetration easy because people already perceive it as high quality and good value. The logo ensures easy acceptance and prompt sales of the new items.

[/vc_column_text] [/vc_tta_section] [vc_tta_section title=”17. It tells a story too” tab_id=”1521222508482-818efb01-2a0417″] [vc_column_text]

As you can see in the last 16 points, your logo gives people visual cues to people. That means if your company is making any big moves and that you want people to know about it or realize it, you will want a logo that says that story instead of pumping multiple press releases.

Look at how BBC changed their logo after they decided to focus more attention on their online business.

[/vc_column_text] [/vc_tta_section] [vc_tta_section title=”18. If you nail your logo design, you nail your market research” tab_id=”1521222508482-818efb01-2a0418″] [vc_column_text]

Whether you agree with all my reasons or not, you should be able to see the value of a good logo. It can bring you a lot of benefits if it’s done right as well as a lot of harm if you don’t care about it.

My point is, no one can design a good logo for you without intensive market research (the marketing world calls it: brand strategy roadmap). Why?

Because we only design logos that bring benefits to your company, not just fancy drawings that you like. If a logo needs to deliver benefits, we must have a strategy to go around it so that we can be smart with our logo design (which means the wow factor).

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You should keep this in mind too. You are running a business, not a hobby. If you are not selling yourself as a brand, you should always consider the market.

Why should you care about what I say? I have only been running Coding Bull for just 1.5 years. I have already helped 150+ companies tackled their marketing problems. Many problems were caused by the lack of understanding or attention of how people perceive the company, a.k.a the branding.

If you ask me how much does Coding Bull charge for a logo? I don’t know. If your market is big, we will need more time to research and test if the logo works for your market.

If you ask me if we can skip the brand strategy roadmap to lower the price? Then, you just don’t get why you need a logo, and I can’t help you because I only want to be part of the companies that strive to succeed.

If money is the only problem, then it’s not a problem. We can talk about it.