Essentials to an Effective Marketing Email


Email marketing can be a really powerful component for lead generation in your tool box of inbound marketing tools. Most of us may agree that email remains alive and flourishing, there are still many entrepreneurs who struggle to leverage it effectively for lead generation. So here’s how to have a successful, optimized marketing email.

  1. A Clear and Attention-Grabbing Subject Line
    Before your subscribers even read your email, the very first thing they will see if the email’s subject line. Likely, your email is sitting in your prospects’ inboxes alongside a lot of other emails, many of which will be from other businesses just like you. Therefore, it’s very important that you make it stand out with clear, eye-catching subject line. Keep it brief and try to describe the offer you’re giving them within the email as clearly and concisely as possible like laser skin tightening services.
  2. A Real Human Sender
    In communication between actual people, the “from” address is somebody’s name. Experiment with the way you customize your email’s sender name, and consider making it come from a real, living, breathing member of your marketing team to create a more personal email messages. Try out a test to determine which arrangement of your sender title contributes to the best open rate.
  3. Branding Elements
    There shouldn’t be any question to your readers about where your email is coming from. Make and utilize an email template with including branding elements. Include the logo for your business! Utilize your business’s branding colours. Omitting branding elements indicates a lack of professionalism.
  4. Personalization
    While research indicates that one third of marketers believe that personalized marketing campaigns are highly effective, the vast majority of marketers aren’t including any personalization components in their own campaigns. Email marketing (especially lead nurturing) provides a fantastic opportunity to leverage the power of personalization. It’s possible to use information about your own database to segment them into groups and deliver them more personalized content offers based on their behaviour and wants/needs. At the very least, use your information to customize the greeting on your email. Additionally, as we mentioned earlier, make your email come from a true person inside your retirement planner business. Consider including their picture and signing off the email with their nickname.
  5. Offer Context
    Before you give your email recipients the opportunity to access your offer, let them know why what you are offering is valuable for them. Keep it brief, use compelling language, and think about incorporating statistics to emphasize importance. Insert a link or 2 for your offer within this section, also.
  6. Focused Call-to-Action (CTA)
    Include a prominent CTA to your deal. Make your CTA’s text specific about what actions the reader should take to receive the offer (in this example,”Download”) and make a sense of urgency (e.g.”Now,””Today,” etc.). Avoid vague language such as”Submit,” and try to tie the CTA into the offer itself (e.g. for a live webinar, you must say”Register For the Webinar Now” or”Reserve Your Seat Today”).
  7. Explanation and Value of Offer
    Clearly highlight what email recipients will get out of downloading your ebook or enrolling for your webinar. Use bullet points to break up the text and highlight key takeaways. Prove the value of this offer.
  8. Buttons/Links to Share Socials
    Include social sharing hyperlinks on every email you send to further expand the range of your email content. If readers find that the content inside your email precious and feel compelled to share it with their societal networking connections, now they can easily! This can help you reach a wider selection of possible leads with hardly any work.
  9. Image
    Break text up with a professional-looking image. Try fitting this image with the material of your offer. Thus, if you are offering an ebook, then include a picture of the cover page. If you’re offering a webinar, include a screenshot of the cover slide in your presentation.
  10. Added Product-Based Offer
    Maybe some of your email subscribers are ready for a more product-focused deal such as a free trial of your product or a private consultation. Use the real estate on your P.S. as an chance to tie your primary content offer to some more middle-of-the funnel offer.
  11. Follow Buttons/Links to Social Media
    Grow your social media reach by providing recipients opportunities to subscribe to your own updates on your socials. Insert social media follow buttons to promote subscribers to follow you Twitter,’Like’ your own Facebook page, subscribe to your YouTube channel, or follow your company updates on LinkedIn.
  12. Link to Privacy Policy
    As the web evolved into an even more social and public stage, concerns about privacy continue to get increased. Give your email subscribers peace of mind and a feeling of security by including a URL to your business’s privacy policy.
  13. Unsubscribe Link
    Always include an unsubscribe link at the bottom of your email advertising messages. Failing to do this will place you in breach of CASL regulations, cost you some of your valuable advertising and marketing budget, and seriously harm your company’s credibility.

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