Some people think a landing page is just a condensed version of a website. While they are not wrong, a landing page is not trying to compress all the info on a site with multiple pages into a one-page website.
In digital marketing, a landing page is a standalone web page, created specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign. It’s where a visitor “lands” when they have clicked on a Google Ads ad or a Facebook Ad or similar.
Landing pages are designed with a single focused objective – known as a Call to Action (CTA). If you are a home-service company, the Call to Action is getting the visitor to request a quote. If you are an online business coach, you Call to Action is getting the visitor to join a free webinar.
This simplicity is what makes landing pages the best option for increasing the conversion rates of your Google AdWords campaigns and lowering your cost of acquiring a lead.
What is the definition of conversion rate?
The conversion rate is the percentage of users who take the desired action – the call to action of your landing page.
So, why would the conversion rate go up when the web page has a single focused objective?
Have you ever clicked on an ad and landed on a page that didn’t make sense, nor relate to the ad you clicked on? This happens all the time. And when it happens, the visitor gets frustrated and leaves the page.
Hence, you want to bring the person who clicked on the ad to a page only talking about what the ad was about. One single message, one single action, no distractions, laser-focused.
Why would the lead acquisition cost go down when the conversion rate goes up?
Reason 1: High conversion rate means we can get the same amount of leads with less paid visitors, hence, less ad spend.
Let’s say getting a visitor to your web page costs $5. If the conversion rate is at 10%, we will need to get ten visitors to generate one lead. For ten visitors, each one costs $5, so we need to spend $50 to acquire the ten visitors, and out of the ten visitors, we get one inquiry.
Let’s say the conversion rate is at 20% instead of 10%. We will only need to get five visitors to generate one inquiry instead of 10 because people are more inclined to fill out the quote request form.
At $5 per visitor, the total cost to get five visitors is only $25. In other words, the lead cost is only $20.
Reason 2: Advertising platforms love a high conversion rate landing page.
A web page with a high conversion rate means the user experience of the page is excellent, and advertising platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads love that.
They love it because the page is giving their users a great experience.
If you think about it, a user is looking for a specific thing on Google. Do you think Google is going to prefer the web page that is highly relevant to what the user’s looking for or a less relevant web page?
Of course, the more relevant web page, right? Because of that, the advertising platforms lower the cost per click for web pages with higher conversion rates. The logic is called Quality Score.
This video from Google explains the full logic of Quality Score:
Even though landing pages are beneficial, not all landing pages convert visitors as effectively as we described above.
Here’s a report that was done by UnBounce. They’ve analyzed lead generation landing pages across ten different industries (with a total of 74,551,421 visitors), and the average landing page conversion rate was 4.02%.
Here’s how our landing page conversion rates compared with the industry standards from the UnBounce report:
On average, our landing page converts 2.5x to 3x better than the industry standards. We attribute this success to four aspects of our landing page.
Aspect 1: Dynamic Keyword Insertion
We have been talking about a landing page is preferred over a website because it is highly relevant to what the user has seen on the ad. Imagine having the ability to change the wording on your landing page word for word according to the user queries?
For example, we have a landing page selling residential painting service, and a user is looking for a residential painter in Vancouver. In theory, the landing page is highly relevant to what the user is search, but we can get more extreme. We can change the wording on the landing page to fit what the person types in, “Vancouver residential painter.”
See the dynamic keyword insertion example below:
Aspect 2: Strategic Keyword Density With CORA Software
Advertising platforms do not hire humans to read page by page to see if the content on your site is relevant. They send robots to do that, and robots follow a set of algorithms to determine if a page is relevant or not.
As a marketing agency, we use tools like CORA to help us determine if the landing page is more relevant than your competitors’ pages in the eyes of search engines.
With CORA’s intensive analysis, we know how to strategically write the content so that it has an ideal ratio of keywords to make the robot thinks that our page is relevant.
The latest CORA version measures up to 880 SEO factors and correlates which ones appear to influence rankings the most for your keywords. Cora then tells you exactly how much of each factor you need to be competitive on page 1 of Google.
Here’s an example of how following the CORA recommendations can impact a web page ranking instantly. This example is our client, Solution Appliance, a Vancouver appliance repair company.
Aspect 3: Loading Speed
The speed at which a website loads is critical to that site’s success. Sites that load slowly lose visitors, no matter how well designed they are.
Fast sites attract and retain more traffic, for the simple reason that people can navigate through them more efficiently.
Speed optimization is also important in terms of Google rankings: slower sites sit further down the rankings than faster ones.
We use a range of strategies – including a good hosting, compressed images, and excellent CSS – to make sure the sites we build load as quickly as possible – within 3 seconds, in fact, in line with our 3-second guarantee.
If you want to read some more tips about how to speed up your site, check out our blog, which gives you a snippet of what we do behind the scenes: 16 Easy Ways To Speed Up WordPress
Aspect 4: Proven Design
Our web design service has helped many companies establish a robust online presence. A strong online presence means our clients’ websites serve a massive amount of visitors daily. At one point, we have 100,000 users a day across all the sites that we have developed for our clients.
Each website, as you may know from our performance web design service, has user behavioral tracking tools in it. It records every user’s movement, engagement, and other behavioral data.
By studying and researching such an abundant amount of data, we know precisely how to present the content to the user to maximize their attention span on a landing page as well as how to persuade them to perform the Call to Action of a landing page.
This sort of behavioral data is hard to come by for any digital marketing agencies without a strong background in web design and development industry.
If you want to read more about the difference between a landing page and a website, we have a less technical article for you to read here:
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